
Reconnecting with Agriculture and Our Food


The diminishing number and increasing age of farmers worldwide is a problem for sustainable agriculture everywhere. In communities such as our Port Towns and other inner-Beltway neighborhoods of Prince George’s County and the District of Columbia, where farming and food production have not been part of the social fabric for generations, ECO City Farms works to rebuild connections to agriculture as a key tool for improving community health and sustainability.

Part of our mission is to train farmers to grow healthy produce and livestock in both urban and rural settings, and to sell that produce through farmers markets, community supported agriculture programs, retail outlets and restaurants. Our model of intensive local farming offers opportunities, challenges and rewards for all. Everyone eats, and we all need to see farming and food production happen everywhere, in perpetuity.

We reach out to the entire Baltimore/Washington metropolitan area to teach about food justice, nutritious food and healthy eating, composting and soil rebuilding, food security and environmental stewardship to adults and youth of all ages.